Your FLIGBY Role Map – Identifying Your Strengths

The FLIGBY assessment addresses the new challenges in the labor market. To help talents looking for just the proper role and the companies that hire them, ALEAS Sims, known for its Leadership Simulations and Game-based profiling technologies, has brought you an innovative role skills strengths assessment solution. 

The five professional role categories for the “FLIGBY” gameplay report include team player, problem solver, influencer, organizer, and analyzer. Below are brief definitions of each cluster, the leadership skills attributed to them, and an explanation of how they relate to intrinsic motivation and possibilities for experiencing engagement and Flow.

Team Player

Team Players collaborate with others, work within a team structure, and negotiate and manage conflict. Experts in communication and teamwork management cooperate with peers, contribute ideas and suggestions, and respect differences of opinion and preferences. This creates an environment of engagement and trust that helps the organization succeed. Promoting unity in the workplace improves productivity, creates work synergy, and develops new learning opportunities.

Problem Solver

Problem Solvers have a broad focus with an excellent understanding of organizational strategy and direction. Experts with cause and effect combine intuition and empirical analysis to solve problems in ways that positively impact the strategy. 

They see problems as challenges and use a combination of analytical skills, urgent execution, and strategic thinking to create and implement their solutions.


Organizers arrange elements following one or more rules to meet an objective. They are biased toward coalitions to achieve organizational success. They build teams with skillsets matched to challenges and efficiently use resources, policies, workplaces, and events to work together. 

Skilled in time-pressured decision-making, they successfully categorize and prioritize problems and respond to them while maintaining organizational balance. 


Analyzers are sticklers for detail and gather all the relevant facts before making a decision. Experts at information gathering find creative sources for empirical data and develop ways to use them that are highly relevant to the problem. They use their analytical skills to monitor and drive improvements and initiate and support changes in technology or work practices to improve reliability and effectiveness. 


Influencers persuade others to act differently or to believe something. They inspire or guide others’ actions and can generate interest in something. Skilled in diplomacy, they use active listening to understand a person’s thoughts and orientation and move them smoothly to a new way of thinking. They ask the right questions in the right way, provide and receive feedback, and have constructive conversations. They are storytellers and use this skill as an integral part of communicating a message and influencing others. 

The report will comprise sets of primary and secondary skills to allow players to gain insight into the type of contributor they are, especially in a team setting. These results can be leveraged to get the most out of one’s role and point to an opportunity for growth.

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